When we moved into our new (to us) rental property Bb was roughly 6 months old, and set to move into his own bedroom. 2 months in, we're all so settled that it's felt like home for the last 6 weeks, for which, we feel really lucky and grateful, and that it was 150% the right move. The point of this post though, is my seeming inability to give up co-sleeping. Am I doing him a disservice by still being in the room with him? At points he seems to sleep much better for the first part of the night now, last night, for example, he went for 4 hours before needing settling (he's 9 months old now but only started sleeping bigger patches of time from 7.5 months onwards). But after that he came into bed with me and actually fed quite a lot, possibly a bit of reverse cycling? Where they breastfeed a lot overnight because of being parted from mum during the day (often happens when mums return to work apparently, although, last night was the first night I noticed it happen). So, with last night in mind it seems totally appropriate to still share a room and a bed.
*edit I continue to write this blog a few days later and do you know what? That extra feeding overnight? Was the return of my period... Ah ha ha, just as you think things might be improving a little along comes mother nature to slap you on the arse! So, I read ages ago that milk supply can decrease during the build up to periods, but it's only temporary and baby can build the supply back up again as needed. Our bodies are so amazing aren't they? Naturally I feel pretty shattered from general period feelings of lethargy so co- sleeping is very much still on the cards for the next few days. Also, this change has signalled that, do you know what? It really does go so quickly! I HATE myself for saying that but it's true! Life is starting up again, and by that I mean, a sense of life before Bb is bursting into bloom.Â
What an odd feeling! So, should we stop co sleeping? What's the rush I say xx