Walking naps... who's with me?! Don't get me wrong, it's great to keep fit and walking is one of the best activities out there (apparently) but every now and then it would be oh so wonderful to have Bb nap at home, in a safe place, like his own bed, so I could do some home stuff. Moving house has just confounded how dusty the whole place has gotten over the years and because I like to fill my time with as much pleasure as possible, the dusting has never reached the top 10 (20...50 if I'm truthful). But with Bb in our lives it seems kind of important to keep our home as healthy as possible, so he can breathe easy, and be comfortable.Â
Two hours was all it took today, in our dusty, old, bedroom, until I wanted out. I NEEDED out! It was like getting coated in the contents of a vacuum (the kind of vacuum that lives in the murky, smaller, light-free bit of the cupboard under the stairs). After a thorough hand wash (another thing I've become a bit mental about since Bb joined us) I grabbed my main man and got outside for a walk.
Instantly I felt alive again. The air was fresh, the sky was vibrant and I swear Bb even let out a sigh of relief. Tomorrow, I'm tackling UNDER THE BED. For which, I'm highly tempted to blind-fold myself and army crawl my way in there with bin liners for hands. You don't miss what you didn't know you had, right?Â